Contact Lens Care 101

Contact Lens Care 101

Contact Lens Care 101

Contact Lens Care 101

Contacts lenses require a level of attention that extends beyond simply popping them into your eyes. They are medical devices that come into direct contact with one of your body's most sensitive areas. A lack of proper contact lens care can lead to discomfort, infections, and even severe eye damage.



Understanding the Importance of Contact Lens Care


In the grand scheme of vision correction, contact lenses are relatively modern innovations. They require meticulous care and maintenance to preserve their quality and, most importantly, protect your eyes' health.


Poor contact lens care can lead to a range of eye problems, from minor irritations to severe infections. Bacteria, fungi, and other harmful organisms can cling onto the surface of your lenses, especially if they are not correctly cleaned and disinfected. These pathogens can cause infections such as keratitis, an inflammation of the cornea that can lead to vision loss if left untreated.


Improper handling and storage of contact lenses can also degrade their quality, causing them to tear or become deformed. This not only affects your vision correction but also increases the risk of causing discomfort or injury to your eyes. Understanding the importance of contact lens care is the first step towards maintaining your eye health and getting the most out of your lenses.



Step-by-step Guide on Contact Lens Care


Having covered the basics, let's delve into a step-by-step guide on contact lens care. This guide will walk you through the entire process, from cleaning and disinfecting your lenses to correctly storing them.


First, thoroughly wash and dry your hands before handling your lenses. Use a lint-free towel to avoid leaving any residue on your fingers. Next, carefully remove one lens and place it in the palm of your hand. Apply a few drops of contact lens solution, and gently rub the lens with your index finger to remove any dirt or deposits. After rubbing, rinse the lens with more solution before placing it in a clean case filled with fresh solution. Repeat this process with the other lens.


Ensure that your lenses are fully immersed in the solution and that the case is securely closed. Leave your lenses to disinfect for at least four hours or overnight. In the morning, rinse your lenses with fresh solution before putting them in your eyes. Also, remember to always clean your case after use by rinsing it with solution, wiping it dry with a clean tissue, and leaving it open to air dry.



Tips for Proper Contact Lens Care


Ensure to schedule regular eye exams with your eye care professional. These check-ups will help monitor your eye health and ensure that your contact lenses are still suitable for your eyes.


Always have a pair of glasses on hand. There may be times when you can't or shouldn't wear your contact lenses, such as when you're sick or when your eyes feel irritated. Having glasses as a backup can give your eyes a much-needed break. Lastly, if your eyes feel uncomfortable or you notice any vision changes while wearing your lenses, remove them immediately and consult your eye care professional.



When to Seek Professional Help for Contact Lens Care


Despite taking all the necessary precautions, there may be instances when you need professional help for contact lens care. If you experience persistent discomfort, redness, or vision changes, it's time to schedule an appointment with your eye care professional.


Infections, allergic reactions, and other eye problems can occur even with proper contact lens care. Therefore, never ignore any unusual symptoms. Early detection and treatment can prevent more serious complications and protect your vision.



Ensure Healthy Vision with Proper Contact Lens Care


Contact lens care is a vital aspect of maintaining not only the quality of your lenses but also the health of your eyes. The steps and tips outlined in this guide provide a comprehensive approach to ensuring proper care for your contacts.


For more information on contact lens care, visit ReEnvision Eye Care at our office in Frisco, Texas. The visual needs and wellness of each patient is our priority. Call (469) 908-8282 to schedule an appointment today.

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